WordPress Development

Technology Total Solutions is one of the leaders in WordPress development. Having spent more than thousands of hours working on WordPress programming, we know in & out of WordPress development process.

WordPress is by far the most popular CMS in the world, which powers a whopping 100 million sites worldwide. WordPress is used as CMS of choice for government institutions, Fortune 500 companies, military, banks, insurance companies and, of course, small businesses and bloggers.

Reasons why WordPress is so popular:

Simple: It is a very simple and powerful CMS. It can be fully customized to implement any functionality.

Plug-in: You can install a plug-in to add any extra feature to your WordPress site. There are thousands of free plug-ins available that can easily convert a WordPress website into anything you need

Themes: simply by installing a new theme, you can give a new look & functionality to your WordPress site. Whatever your requirements may be, you will surely find a theme that is appropriate for your site. There are thousands of free themes available, and there are many companies which sell premium themes at low cost – for example, themeforest.com is one of the best websites where you can find WordPress themes.

Popular: WordPress makes almost 50% of all the websites.

Manage: Anyone can easily manage a WordPress site, without any knowledge of PHP or HTML. You can login to the admin part of your website and easily manage its content with simple and user-friendly interface.

Open Source: 100% open-source + Strong Development community → WordPress has a very strong and active development community. You can be sure that, whatever problems or doubts may arise, you will find an answer fast within the
WordPress community.

SEO Friendly: WordPress sites are SEO friendly.

Top list of companies using WordPress


www.gsu.edu/ → Georgia State University
news.umanitoba.ca/ → University of Manitoba


blogs.loc.gov/loc/ → Library of congress

Fortune 500 Companies

www.gereports.com/ →General Electric(GE)
blog.ebay.com/ → eBay
blog.ups.com/ → upside, the UPS blog
stores.bestbuy.com/577/ → Best Buy
blogs.wsj.com/law/ → The Wall Street Journal Law Blog
social.ford.com/ → Ford Motor Company

Technology Companies

www.techcrunch.com/ → TechCrunch
business.blogs.cnn.com/ → CNN
gigaom.com/ → GigaOM

What can TTSSoft do in WordPress

Why Choose Technology Total Solutions:

We provide complete site or theme development in WordPress. We ensure all the themes are mobile compatible and responsive.

We provide Plug-in development, plug-ins extend the functionality of WordPress websites, and it takes advanced coding skills to develop them.

We have a strong team dedicated to WordPress development. We have spent thousands of hrs in WordPress development.
The sites we develop are fast loading, SEO friendly and Mobile Friendly.

We provide strong after sales support – once we develop a website, we can maintain it at very low cost, and save you all the trouble about website maintenance.

We follow the best practices in WordPress coding, and never hack the core files as some other companies do. This ensures that you can easily upgrade WordPress and enhances security of your website.


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